Does prostate cancer increases with age? - Human & Disease

Does prostate cancer increases with age?


Common diseases of the prostate include infections, benign growths, and malignant tumors (prostate cancer). Infections called prostatitis are more common in middle age, and benign and malignant growths are more common in old age.

Common diseases of the prostate include infections, benign growths, and malignant tumors (prostate cancer). Infections called prostatitis are more common in middle age, and benign and malignant growths are more common in old age.
Prostate , Cancer , Malignant , Tumor , Gland

What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer usually has no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. In the later stages of the disease, painful urination can cause symptoms such as difficulty urinating and bleeding in the urine. In later stages, symptoms appear depending on the organ where the cancer has spread. The most common sign of advanced prostate cancer is frequent bone pain. Since you have no symptoms in the early period, early diagnosis of prostate cancer is only possible with regular examinations.

Common diseases of the prostate include infections, benign growths, and malignant tumors (prostate cancer). Infections called prostatitis are more common in middle age, and benign and malignant growths are more common in old age.
Prostate , Cancer , Symptoms 

Can benign prostate enlargement turn into cancer in the future?

Benign growth and prostate cancer are completely different diseases and are not transmitted to each other. They often occur together because they are both common in the same age group.

What can kill prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. In cancer-related deaths, prostate cancer is second only to lung cancer. Late diagnosis of the disease plays an important role in prostate cancer deaths. The probability of treatment is very high with an early diagnosis of prostate cancer.

What should be done for early diagnosis of prostate cancer?

For the early diagnosis of prostate cancer, it is absolutely necessary to have an examination once a year. In this control, a blood test (PSA measurement) and a urological examination are performed. It is recommended to do the control once a year from the age of 50. The age at which this control should start is 40 years for people diagnosed with prostate cancer among their relatives.

What is PSA?

PSA is a protein produced by the prostate. PSA can be measured with a blood test. A high Psa value suggests the possibility of prostate cancer. However, PSA can also rise with infections and benign growths of the prostate. PSA is a very useful test for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer. It is possible to diagnose prostate cancer with Psa 6 or 7 years before the clinical presentation.

Common diseases of the prostate include infections, benign growths, and malignant tumors (prostate cancer). Infections called prostatitis are more common in middle age, and benign and malignant growths are more common in old age.
PSA , Diagnosis , Tumor , benign , Infection


Is a PSA  test enough to detect prostate cancer?

A single PSA measurement is not enough for a scan. A urologic exam should also be performed along with a PSA. Studies show that 25% of prostate cancers do not raise PSA. Also, some rapidly progressing prostate cancers (differentiated or small cell prostate cancer) may not have an elevated PSA level. For this reason, a urological examination should be performed.

What is a prostate needle biopsy?

Prostate biopsy is the only method we have to confirm the diagnosis in patients with suspected cancer. This is a completely painless procedure that lasts 5 to 10 minutes and is accompanied by a transrectal ultrasound. Does not require hospitalization. After the biopsy, patients can return to their normal daily lives.

Unknown about the prostate Can prostate cancer be cured?

Prostate cancer is definitely curable. For this, early diagnosis is very important. Definitive treatment may not be possible when the cancer has spread beyond the prostate. Although there are many effective treatments for common forms of prostate cancer, these treatments are aimed at prolonging the patient's life and improving quality of life.

What are the treatment options for prostate cancer?

Some types of prostate cancer may not require treatment. In these patients, the patient may be closely monitored and treatment initiated as needed. The patient's doctor must decide whether these methods, called watchful waiting and active surveillance, are appropriate for the patient. With prostate cancer diagnosed in the early period, you can completely get rid of the disease. Treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, brachytherapy, cryotherapy, and many other recently developed treatment options. While there is no cure for late and late diagnoses of prostate cancer, there are effective treatment options such as hormone therapy and chemotherapy.

Common diseases of the prostate include infections, benign growths, and malignant tumors (prostate cancer). Infections called prostatitis are more common in middle age, and benign and malignant growths are more common in old age.
Tretment , Biopsy , Surgical , Needle 

How can we get through the prostate cancer?

The most effective measure for prostate cancer is early diagnosis. It is very important to carry out regular annual check-ups for an early diagnosis. Prostate cancer has been shown to be associated with excessive amount of protein and animal fats. Eating more fruits and vegetables and reducing the consumption of animal fats can be a useful measure to prevent diseases. There are reports that lycopene and green tea can be beneficial, especially in cooked tomatoes. There are many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and herbal products available on the market that are recommended for protection against prostate cancer. In recent large-scale studies, some of them were found not to protect against prostate cancer, but to increase the risk of developing cancer.

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