What is the diabetes? - Human & Disease

What is the diabetes?


What is the diabetes?

Diabetes Mellitus, which is generally known

 as diabetes mellitus among people, is the

 increase in the level of glucose (sugar) in the

 blood above normal and, consequently, the

 presence of sugar in the urine, which

 normally should not contain sugar.

 Diabetes, which has different variants, is

 among the most common diseases in our

 country and in the world. According to

 statistical data provided by the International

Diabetes Federation, although one in 11

 adults has diabetes, 1 person dies every 6

 seconds from diabetes-related problems.

Diabetes Mellitus, which is generally known as diabetes mellitus among people, is the increase in the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood above normal and, consequently, the presence of sugar in the urine, which normally should not contain sugar. Diabetes, which has different variants, is among the most common diseases in our country and in the world.
Diabetes Mellitus , Glucose , Suger , Blood , Urine , Federation

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

The disease of diabetes manifests itself with

 three basic symptoms in individuals. These

 can be listed as eating more than usual and

 feeling full, frequent urination, dryness and

 sweetness in the mouth and consequently

 the desire to drink excessively. Other than

 this, other symptoms of diabetes that can be

 seen in people can be listed below:

- Weakness and feeling tired.

- rapid and involuntary weight loss

- blurry vision

- Discomfort in the form of numbness and     

  tingling in the feet

- Wound healing slower than usual

- Dry and itchy skin

- Formation of odor similar to acetone in the 


Which are the diabetes causes?

As a result of many studies on the causes of

 diabetes, it has been concluded that genetic

 and environmental causes play a role in

 diabetes. In diabetes, which basically has

 two types as type 1 diabetes and type 2

 diabetes, the factors that cause the disease

 differ depending on these types. Although

 genetic factors play a role in the causes of

 type 1 diabetes, viruses that damage the

 pancreatic organ that produces the

 hormone insulin, which is involved in

 regulating blood sugar, and malfunctions of

 the body's defense are among the factors.

 that cause the disease. Furthermore, the

 causes of type 2 diabetes, which is the most

 common type of diabetes, can be stated as


- Obesity (excess weight)

- Having a family history of diabetes

- advanced age

- sedentary lifestyle

- Stress

- Development of gestational diabetes during

 pregnancy and delivery of a baby with a

 higher than normal birth weight.

Diabetes Mellitus, which is generally known as diabetes mellitus among people, is the increase in the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood above normal and, consequently, the presence of sugar in the urine, which normally should not contain sugar. Diabetes, which has different variants, is among the most common diseases in our country and in the world.
Stress , Obesity , Gestational , Glucose , Insulin , Cell

What are the types of diabetes?

The types of diabetes are listed below:

Type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes): 

Type of diabetes that usually occurs in

 childhood, due to insufficient or no

 production of insulin in the pancreas, and in

 which the external intake of insulin is


Type 2 diabetes: 

A type of diabetes that occurs as a result of

 cells becoming insensitive to the hormone

 insulin, which regulates blood sugar.

Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA):

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

 similar to type 1 diabetes caused by autoimmunity (self-damage to the body due to dysfunction in the immune system) seen in older age.

Maturity-onset diabetes (MODY): 

diabetes-like type 2 diabetes that occurs at a young


Gestational diabetes: 

a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy

The period of prediabetes, which is called

 hidden diabetes among people, except for

 the types of diabetes mentioned above, is

 the period in which the blood sugar tends to

 be slightly elevated without being high

 enough to diagnose diabetes before of the

 formation of type 2 diabetes and diabetes. it

 can be prevented or delayed with proper

 treatment and diet.

The two most common types of diabetes are

 type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

How is diabetes diagnosed?

The two most basic tests used in diagnosing

 diabetes are the fasting blood glucose

 measurement and the oral glucose tolerance

 test (OGTT), also known as the sugar loading

 test. In healthy individuals, the fasting blood

 sugar level varies between 70-100 mg/Dl on


A fasting blood glucose level above 126

 mg/Dl is sufficient for the diagnosis of

 diabetes. If this value is between 100-126

 mg/Dl, postprandial blood sugar is

 investigated by applying the OGTT to the

 individual. As a result of measuring blood

 sugar 2 hours after the start of the meal, a

 blood glucose level greater than 200 mg/Dl is

 an indication of diabetes, and a range of

 140-199 mg/Dl is an indicator of diabetes.

prediabetes period. , called latent sugar. In

 addition, the HbA1C test, which reflects the

 blood sugar level of the last 3 months, is

 greater than 7%, indicating the diagnosis of


Diabetes Mellitus, which is generally known as diabetes mellitus among people, is the increase in the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood above normal and, consequently, the presence of sugar in the urine, which normally should not contain sugar. Diabetes, which has different variants, is among the most common diseases in our country and in the world.
Fasting , HBA1C , Diagnosis , Diabetes , Sample , Random 

What are the methods of treating diabetes?

Diabetes treatment methods differ

 depending on the type of disease. In type 1

 diabetes, medical nutrition therapy must be

 carefully applied in conjunction with

 insulin therapy. The patient's diet is planned

 by the dietician according to the insulin

 dose and plan recommended by the doctor.

 With the application of carbohydrate

 counting, where the insulin dose can be

 adjusted according to the amount of

 carbohydrates in the food, the life of people

 with type 1 diabetes can be made much

 easier. In people with type 2 diabetes, in

 addition to maintaining the diet, treatment

 often includes the use of oral antidiabetic

 drugs to increase the sensitivity of cells to

 the hormone insulin or to directly increase

 secretion of the hormone insulin.

Diabetes Mellitus, which is generally known as diabetes mellitus among people, is the increase in the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood above normal and, consequently, the presence of sugar in the urine, which normally should not contain sugar. Diabetes, which has different variants, is among the most common diseases in our country and in the world.
Treatment , Medical , Suger , Insulin , Metformin , Glucophage , Lifestyle 

Elevated blood sugar levels in patients with

 diabetes mellitus and in cases where

 recommended treatment principles are not

 followed, cause many health problems,

 mainly neuropathy (nerve damage),

 nephropathy (kidney damage) and

 retinopathy (damage to the retina of the

 eye). So if you're also a person with

 diabetes, don't neglect your regular



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