Healthy Weight Loss Plan - Human & Disease

Healthy Weight Loss Plan


         Week 1–Day 1

This day of the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan features easy to prepare menus, which offer exciting flavors and good nutrition; you’ll enjoy plenty of delicious foods that will keep you satisfied. For the High-Energy Breakfast, you’ll enjoy high-fiber cereal with fruit and nuts, for the Power Lunch Mediterranean Caesar Salad, and for the Slimming Dinner tasty Salmon with Dill Sauce over Spinach. Along with these, you’ll also enjoy a High Energy Snack of apple, almond butter, orange, and walnuts; an Appetizer Satisfier of crudite and guacamole; a Green Power Side Dish featuring broccoli; and Healthier Lifestyle Tea.

 These meals are composed of nutrient-rich foods that give you many of the health promoting nutrients you need every day. 

This day of the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan features easy to prepare menus, which offer exciting flavors and good nutrition; you’ll enjoy plenty of delicious foods that will keep you satisfied. For the High-Energy Breakfast,you’ll enjoy a Tropical Energy Smoothie, for the Power Lunch a Mediterranean Turkey Salad with Mushrooms, and for the Slimming Dinner tasty Mediterranean Cod with Red Peppers and Basil. Along with these, you’ll also enjoy a High-Energy Snack of pears, almonds, and grapes; an Appetizer Satisfier of zucchini, carrots, and cauliflower; a Green Power Side Dish featuring kale; and Healthier Lifestyle Tea. These meals are composed of nutrient-rich foods that give you many of the health promoting nutrients you need every day.
Weight , Healthy , Lifestyle 

High-Energy Breakfast:

1 cup high-fiber cereal.

½ cup blueberries.

2 TBS chopped walnuts.

1 banana, sliced.

1 cup nonfat skim milk.

Energizing Snack: 

1 medium-sized apple

1 TBS almond butter

Healthier Lifestyle Tea 

Power Lunch: 

Mediterranean Caesar Salad.

Energizing Snack:

1 medium-sized orange

3 walnut halves

Healthier Lifestyle Tea 

Slimming Dinner:

Appetizer Satisfier:

1 cup carrot strips/slices

1 cup celery sticks 

1 cup sliced cucumber

3-Minute Guacamole 

Salmon with Dill Sauce 

Green Power Side Dish

1-Minute Spinach.

5-Minute Broccoli.

        Week 1–Day 2

This day of the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan features easy to prepare menus, which offer exciting flavors and good nutrition; you’ll enjoy plenty of delicious foods that will keep you satisfied. For the High-Energy Breakfast,you’ll enjoy a Tropical Energy Smoothie, for the Power Lunch a Mediterranean Turkey Salad with Mushrooms, and for the Slimming Dinner tasty Mediterranean Cod with Red Peppers and Basil. Along with these, you’ll also enjoy a High-Energy Snack of pears, almonds, and grapes; an Appetizer Satisfier of zucchini, carrots, and cauliflower; a Green Power Side Dish featuring kale; and Healthier Lifestyle Tea. These meals are composed of nutrient-rich foods that give you many of the health promoting nutrients you need every day. 

High-Energy Breakfast:

Tropical Energy Smoothie 

Energizing Snack:

1 medium-sized pear

3 almonds

Healthier Lifestyle Tea.

Power Lunch:

Mediterranean Turkey Salad with Mushrooms .

Energizing Snack:

1 cup red grapes

3 almonds

Healthier Lifestyle Tea 

Slimming Dinner:

Appetizer Satisfier:

1 cup zucchini slices

½ cup sliced carrots

½ cup cauliflower florets

Mediterranean Cod with Red Peppers and Basil .

Healthy Mashed Sweet Potatoes.

Green Power Side Dish:

5-Minute Kale

This day of the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan features easy to prepare menus, which offer exciting flavors and good nutrition; you’ll enjoy plenty of delicious foods that will keep you satisfied. For the High-Energy Breakfast,you’ll enjoy a Tropical Energy Smoothie, for the Power Lunch a Mediterranean Turkey Salad with Mushrooms, and for the Slimming Dinner tasty Mediterranean Cod with Red Peppers and Basil. Along with these, you’ll also enjoy a High-Energy Snack of pears, almonds, and grapes; an Appetizer Satisfier of zucchini, carrots, and cauliflower; a Green Power Side Dish featuring kale; and Healthier Lifestyle Tea. These meals are composed of nutrient-rich foods that give you many of the health promoting nutrients you need every day.
Energy , Snack , Breakfast

       Week 1–Day 3

This day of the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan features easy to prepare menus, which offer exciting flavors and good nutrition; you’ll enjoy plenty of delicious foods that will keep you satisfied. For the High-Energy Breakfast, you’ll enjoy a poached egg with Swiss chard, for the Power Lunch Romaine Salad with Goat Cheese and Mushrooms, and for the Slimming Dinner Spicy Asian Shrimp with Spinach. Along with these, you’ll also enjoy a High Energy Snack of papaya, walnuts, pear, and almonds; an Appetizer Satisfier of bell peppers, carrots, and cucumber; a Green Power Side Dish featuring broccoli and Healthier Lifestyle Tea. These meals are composed of nutrient-rich foods that give you many of the health-promoting nutrients you need every day. 

High-Energy Breakfast:

3-minute Swiss Chard 2 topped with ¼ cup pumpkin seeds.

1 TBS sunflower seeds and 1 poached egg, preferably omega-3-rich egg.

1 slice 100% whole wheat toast.

½ cantaloupe.

Energizing Snack:

Papaya with Lime.

3 walnut halves.

Healthier Lifestyle Tea.

Power Lunch:

Romaine Salad with Goat Cheese and Mushrooms.

Energizing Snack:


3 almonds

Healthier Lifestyle Tea 

Slimming Dinner:

Appetizer Satisfier:

½ cup sliced red bell peppers.

½ cup carrot slices/sticks.

½ cup cucumber slices.

Spicy Asian Shrimp served over.

Green Power Side Dish:

1-Minute Spinach 3 

5-Minute Broccoli 2  with 1 TBS sunflower seeds.

       Week 1–Day 4

This day of the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan features easy-to prepare menus, which offer exciting flavors and good nutrition; you’ll enjoy plenty of delicious foods that will keep you satisfied. For the High-Energy Breakfast, you’ll enjoy yogurt with fruit, for the Power Lunch Greek Salad with Garbanzo Beans and Feta Cheese, and for the Slimming Dinner Salmon with Ginger Mint Salsa. Along with these, you’ll also enjoy a High-Energy Snack of orange, Brazil nuts, figs, and almonds; an Appetizer Satisfier of cucumbers, bell peppers and zucchini; a Green Power Side Dish featuring Swiss chard; and Healthier Lifestyle Tea. These meals are composed of nutrient-rich foods that give you many of the health-promoting nutrients you need every day. 

High-Energy Breakfast:

8 oz cup plain nonfat yogurt with 1 TBS blackstrap molasses.

½ cup blueberries.

½ fresh large papaya.

1 medium banana.

1 slice 100% whole wheat toast.

Energizing Snack:

1 medium-size orange

1 Brazil nut

Healthier Lifestyle Tea

Power Lunch:

Greek Salad with Garbanzo Beans and Feta Cheese.

Energizing Snack: 

2 dried figs 

3 dried almonds

Healthier Lifestyle Tea.

Slimming Dinner:

Appetizer Satisfier:

1 cup celery sticks

1 cup cucumber slices

1 cup carrot slices/sticks


Salmon with Ginger Mint Salsa served over.

Green Power Side Dish:

3-Minute Swiss Chard 2 

This day of the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan features easy to prepare menus, which offer exciting flavors and good nutrition; you’ll enjoy plenty of delicious foods that will keep you satisfied. For the High-Energy Breakfast,you’ll enjoy a Tropical Energy Smoothie, for the Power Lunch a Mediterranean Turkey Salad with Mushrooms, and for the Slimming Dinner tasty Mediterranean Cod with Red Peppers and Basil. Along with these, you’ll also enjoy a High-Energy Snack of pears, almonds, and grapes; an Appetizer Satisfier of zucchini, carrots, and cauliflower; a Green Power Side Dish featuring kale; and Healthier Lifestyle Tea. These meals are composed of nutrient-rich foods that give you many of the health promoting nutrients you need every day.
Tommato , Salade , Tea

       Week 1–Day 5 

This day of the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan features easy to prepare menus, which offer exciting flavors and good nutrition; you’ll enjoy plenty of delicious foods that will keep you satisfied. For the High-Energy Breakfast, you’ll enjoy Poached Egg over Spinach and Mushrooms, for the Power Lunch Healthy Chef's Salad with Cheddar Cheese and Garbanzo Beans, and for the Slimming Dinner Halibut with Ginger and Scallions. Along with these, you’ll also enjoy a High-Energy Snack of apple, sunflower seeds, orange segments, and almonds; an Appetizer Satisfier of bell peppers, cucumbers, and carrots; a Green Power Side Dish featuring Brussels sprouts, and a Healthier Lifestyle Tea. These meals are composed of nutrient-rich foods that give you many of the health promoting nutrients you need every day. 

High-Energy Breakfast:

Combine 1-Minute Spinach 1 with Healthy Sautéed Crimini Mushrooms 2.

Top with 1 poached egg, preferably omega-rich egg.

1 slice 100% whole wheat toast.

½ cantaloupe

Energizing Snack: 

1 medium-size apple

6 almonds

Healthier Lifestyle Tea 

Power Lunch:

Healthy Chef's Salad with Cheddar Cheese and Garbanzo Beans.

Energizing Snack: 

1 medium-size orange

6 almonds

Healthier Lifestyle Tea 

Slimming Dinner:

Appetizer Satisfier:

½ cup sliced red bell peppers

½ cup sliced cucumbers

½ cup carrot slices/sticks

Halibut with Ginger and Scallions.

5-Minute Cauliflower with Turmeric.

Green Power Side Dish:

5-Minute Brussels Sprouts with Mustard.

         Week 1–Day 6

This day of the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan features easy to prepare menus, which offer exciting flavors and good nutrition; you’ll enjoy plenty of delicious foods that will keep you satisfied. For the High-Energy Breakfast you’ll enjoy high-fiber cereal with fruit, for the Power Lunch Chinese Chicken Cabbage Salad with Cilantro and Ginger, and for the Slimming Dinner Salmon with Mustard over Spinach. Along with these, you’ll also enjoy a High-Energy Snack of orange segments, walnuts, pear, and sunflower seeds an Appetizer Satisfier of cucumbers, bell peppers, and tomato a Green Power Side Dish featuring spinach; and Healthier Lifestyle Tea. These meals are composed of nutrient-rich foods that give you many of the health promoting nutrients you need every day.

Healthier Lifestyle Tea

High-Energy Breakfast:

1 cup high-fiber cereal

¼ cup raisins

¼ cup strawberry slices

1 cup nonfat skim milk

Energizing Snack: 

1 medium-size orange 

4 walnut halves

Healthier Lifestyle Tea.

Power Lunch:

Chinese Chicken Cabbage Salad with Cilantro and Ginger.

Energizing Snack: 

1 pear

1 TBS sunflower seeds

Healthier Lifestyle Tea

Slimming Dinner:

Appetizer Satisfier:

½ cup sliced cucumbers

½ cup sliced red bell peppers

1 medium tomato, sliced.

Salmon with Mustard.

Green Power Side Dish:

1-Minute Spinach 1 

This day of the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan features easy to prepare menus, which offer exciting flavors and good nutrition; you’ll enjoy plenty of delicious foods that will keep you satisfied. For the High-Energy Breakfast,you’ll enjoy a Tropical Energy Smoothie, for the Power Lunch a Mediterranean Turkey Salad with Mushrooms, and for the Slimming Dinner tasty Mediterranean Cod with Red Peppers and Basil. Along with these, you’ll also enjoy a High-Energy Snack of pears, almonds, and grapes; an Appetizer Satisfier of zucchini, carrots, and cauliflower; a Green Power Side Dish featuring kale; and Healthier Lifestyle Tea. These meals are composed of nutrient-rich foods that give you many of the health promoting nutrients you need every day.
Weight , Loss , Healthier 

         Week 1–Day 7 

This day of the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan features easy to prepare menus, which offer exciting flavors and good nutrition; you’ll enjoy plenty of delicious foods that will keep you satisfied. For the High-Energy Breakfast you’ll enjoy Huevos Rancheros, for the Power Lunch Lentil Salad, and for the Slimming Dinner Chicken Breast with Rosemary, Thyme, and Sage.Along with these, you’ll also enjoy a High-Energy Snack of apple, Brazil nuts, pear, and yogurt; an Appetizer Satisfier of crudite with garlic dip; a Green Power Side Dish featuring broccoli; and Healthier Lifestyle Tea. These meals are composed of nutrient-rich foods that give you many of the health promoting nutrients you need every day.

Healthier Lifestyle Tea

High-Energy Breakfast:

Huevos Rancheros.

½ large cantaloupe.

Energizing Snack:

1 medium-size apple

2 Brazil nuts

Healthier Lifestyle Tea 

Power Lunch:

Mediterranean Lentil Salad.

Energizing Snack:

1 medium-size pear

4 oz plain nonfat yogurt

Healthier Lifestyle Tea.

Slimming Dinner:

Appetizer Satisfier:

Garlic Dip served with

½ cup cucumber slices

½ cup fresh red bell pepper slices.

½ cup fresh zucchini slices.

Chicken Breast with Rosemary, Thyme and sage.

Healthy Sautéed Crimini Mushrooms.

Green Power Side Dish:

5-Minute Broccoli with 2 TBS sunflower seeds.

Week 1 of the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan provides you with 100% or more of the Daily Value for 19 health-promoting nutrients and their health benefits for maintaining good health. The Plan will help you avoid nutrient deficiencies because, as you can see, it is built around nutrient-rich foods rich in vitamins, minerals, hard to find omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, antioxidants, and many other nutrients. The nutrient-rich foods in the Plan can provide nutrients in forms that are more available to you than most nutritional capsules. It is also an anti-inflammatory and immunity plan because it helps protect against inflammation, reduces free radicals, and bolsters the immune system.

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