Avoid Prostate Hyperplasia With Exercises - Human & Disease

Avoid Prostate Hyperplasia With Exercises


Many men wonder what exercises they should do when they go to the gym to keep their prostate in good condition.

The exercises that work the pelvic floor are the most recommended (Kegel exercises).
Many men wonder what exercises they should do when they go to the gym to keep their prostate in good condition.  The exercises that work the pelvic floor are the most recommended (Kegel exercises).  In fact, the possibility of reinforcing the area not only serves to guarantee a good state of health and the prevention of disorders, but also helps a better sexual life.  "There are various scientific studies that have shown that frequent physical exercise can prevent the appearance of benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic inflammation and even cancer. The specific mechanisms by which sport can protect prostate health are not exactly known. , but it is intuited that physical exercise can reduce the effect of testosterone on prostate growth"  At this point, it is necessary to specify the specific exercises, the frequency, approximate intensity and type most suitable for this area based on current scientific evidence. "It is recommended to carry out a physical activity of at least 30 minutes of daily duration" based on interspersing aerobic exercises (running, swimming, elliptical, tennis, rowing or team sports such as soccer, basketball or handball) with anaerobic exercises (strength exercises with varied and dynamic training routines of the different muscle groups, both upper and lower body) for 3 or 4 days a week. Will help control body fat levels, improve certain symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and prevent sarcopenia"

In fact, the possibility of reinforcing the area not only serves to guarantee a good state of health and the prevention of disorders, but also helps a better sexual life.

"There are various scientific studies that have shown that frequent physical exercise can prevent the appearance of benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic inflammation and even cancer.
The specific mechanisms by which sport can protect prostate health are not exactly known. , but it is intuited that physical exercise can reduce the effect of testosterone on prostate growth"

At this point, it is necessary to specify the specific exercises, the frequency, approximate intensity and type most suitable for this area based on current scientific evidence. "It is recommended to carry out a physical activity of at least 30 minutes of daily duration" based on interspersing aerobic exercises (running, swimming, elliptical, tennis, rowing or team sports such as soccer, basketball or handball) with anaerobic exercises (strength exercises with varied and dynamic training routines of the different muscle groups, both upper and lower body) for 3 or 4 days a week. Will help control body fat levels, improve certain symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and prevent sarcopenia"

In any case, the specialist specifies that for more specific disorders a guideline can be adapted with the urologist to fit the needs. "In certain urinary problems derived from the prostate, it is recommended to perform pelvic floor exercises, hypopressive exercises and yoga, which must be prescribed and supervised by a doctor, after evaluation and study of the underlying pathology."

What exercises and postures should be avoided to have a healthy prostate?

Although there are exercises that improve the maintenance of the area, there are also some that can cause injuries or harm the natural state of the prostate. However, they are usually more related to the time that passes with bad positions.
Many men wonder what exercises they should do when they go to the gym to keep their prostate in good condition.  The exercises that work the pelvic floor are the most recommended (Kegel exercises).  In fact, the possibility of reinforcing the area not only serves to guarantee a good state of health and the prevention of disorders, but also helps a better sexual life.  "There are various scientific studies that have shown that frequent physical exercise can prevent the appearance of benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic inflammation and even cancer. The specific mechanisms by which sport can protect prostate health are not exactly known. , but it is intuited that physical exercise can reduce the effect of testosterone on prostate growth"  At this point, it is necessary to specify the specific exercises, the frequency, approximate intensity and type most suitable for this area based on current scientific evidence. "It is recommended to carry out a physical activity of at least 30 minutes of daily duration" based on interspersing aerobic exercises (running, swimming, elliptical, tennis, rowing or team sports such as soccer, basketball or handball) with anaerobic exercises (strength exercises with varied and dynamic training routines of the different muscle groups, both upper and lower body) for 3 or 4 days a week. Will help control body fat levels, improve certain symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and prevent sarcopenia"

"It is recommended, from a certain age, to avoid riding a horse, motorcycle and bicycle for prolonged periods, since the microtraumatisms that occur at the level of the perineal area negatively influence prostate health, as well as the alteration of certain markers analytical"

For those who cannot avoid these situations or want to find a solution, there is an alternative. "The use of 'antiprostatic saddles" and padded pants or jerseys can eliminate some of the pressure that is exerted on the prostate and minimize the discomfort and derived symptoms that many cyclists suffer for this reason, both in the short and long term", points out the urologist expert in bladder, kidney and testicular cancer.

However, the biggest problem does not usually arise from physical activity but from bad habits. "The adoption of a sedentary lifestyle, as is known, will lead to multiple cardiovascular and metabolic health problems, but it will also favor the progression of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and, therefore, the irruption of unwanted urinary symptoms. Likewise, there is sufficient scientific evidence linking a sedentary lifestyle and obesity with an increased incidence of prostate cancer," warns Miguel Perán. For this reason, the advice is repeated for those who maintain a very sedentary life.

"It is recommended not to maintain the same posture for many hours while working, it is recommended to get up, walk and stretch periodically"

Risk factors for prostate health

To summarize, Dr. Miguel Perán, from the Urolevante Medical Services Center, lists a series of bad habits and behaviors that must be avoided because they favor prostate problems:

- Unhealthy eating.
Many men wonder what exercises they should do when they go to the gym to keep their prostate in good condition.  The exercises that work the pelvic floor are the most recommended (Kegel exercises).  In fact, the possibility of reinforcing the area not only serves to guarantee a good state of health and the prevention of disorders, but also helps a better sexual life.  "There are various scientific studies that have shown that frequent physical exercise can prevent the appearance of benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic inflammation and even cancer. The specific mechanisms by which sport can protect prostate health are not exactly known. , but it is intuited that physical exercise can reduce the effect of testosterone on prostate growth"  At this point, it is necessary to specify the specific exercises, the frequency, approximate intensity and type most suitable for this area based on current scientific evidence. "It is recommended to carry out a physical activity of at least 30 minutes of daily duration" based on interspersing aerobic exercises (running, swimming, elliptical, tennis, rowing or team sports such as soccer, basketball or handball) with anaerobic exercises (strength exercises with varied and dynamic training routines of the different muscle groups, both upper and lower body) for 3 or 4 days a week. Will help control body fat levels, improve certain symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and prevent sarcopenia"

- Consumption of saturated   and trans fats, red meat,   processed meat, sugars,   coffee, spicy, alcohol...

- Do not eat vegetables, fruit,   vegetables, cereals.

- Drink little water (less than   a liter daily).

- Smoking

- Sedentary life with a     tendency to overweight and  obesity..
Many men wonder what exercises they should do when they go to the gym to keep their prostate in good condition.  The exercises that work the pelvic floor are the most recommended (Kegel exercises).  In fact, the possibility of reinforcing the area not only serves to guarantee a good state of health and the prevention of disorders, but also helps a better sexual life.  "There are various scientific studies that have shown that frequent physical exercise can prevent the appearance of benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic inflammation and even cancer. The specific mechanisms by which sport can protect prostate health are not exactly known. , but it is intuited that physical exercise can reduce the effect of testosterone on prostate growth"  At this point, it is necessary to specify the specific exercises, the frequency, approximate intensity and type most suitable for this area based on current scientific evidence. "It is recommended to carry out a physical activity of at least 30 minutes of daily duration" based on interspersing aerobic exercises (running, swimming, elliptical, tennis, rowing or team sports such as soccer, basketball or handball) with anaerobic exercises (strength exercises with varied and dynamic training routines of the different muscle groups, both upper and lower body) for 3 or 4 days a week. Will help control body fat levels, improve certain symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and prevent sarcopenia"

- Sitting for many hours     without changing position.

- Do not exercise.

- Avoid and treat   constipation.

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