Let The Sun Shine - Human & Disease

Let The Sun Shine

Let the Sun Shine

We should love the sun because we can’t be healthy without it. Humans have been in sunny environments since the beginning. The sun offers a free source of vitamin D, and is the primary source of this important nutrient that has powerful effects in the body. Vitamin D allows us to more effectively use calcium, improves the immune system and helps prevents cancer and other diseases. Not until the past few decades has the incidence of skin cancer become such a problem. This period also corresponds with the development of sunscreen and other products that attempt to block the sun’s rays. William Grant, Ph.D., who has published many papers on this issue, says that "sunscreen is overrated and gives a false sense of security".

We should love the sun because we can’t be healthy without it. Humans have been in sunny environments since the beginning. The sun offers a free source of vitamin D, and is the primary source of this important nutrient that has powerful effects in the body. Vitamin D allows us to more effectively use calcium, improves the immune system and helps prevents cancer and other diseases. Not until the past few decades has the incidence of skin cancer become such a problem. This period also corresponds with the devel- opment of sunscreen and other products that attempt to block the sun’s

Other research shows the use of sunscreen can actually increase the risk of malignant melanoma (the most common and deadly form) and other skin cancers. Grant and other researchers describe the problem this way: Most sunscreens block ultraviolet B waves (UVB) very effectively, but do not block longer-wave more dangerous UVA well. We obtain vitamin D through UVB, and if we block that wave sun-stimulated vitamin D production is reduced. The false sense of security that sunscreen gives many people causes some to stay in the sun longer, exposing the skin to more dangerous UVA, and increasing risk of skin cancer. For this and other reasons, the growing list of research supports the notion that we can prevent a significant number of many types of cancers by spending some time in the sun, without sunscreen. This includes the prevention of skin cancer.

We should love the sun because we can’t be healthy without it. Humans have been in sunny environments since the beginning. The sun offers a free source of vitamin D, and is the primary source of this important nutrient that has powerful effects in the body. Vitamin D allows us to more effectively use calcium, improves the immune system and helps prevents cancer and other diseases. Not until the past few decades has the incidence of skin cancer become such a problem. This period also corresponds with the devel- opment of sunscreen and other products that attempt to block the sun’s


Some studies show a relationship between sunscreen use and cancer prevention while others have not. Unfortunately, sunscreen manufacturers and cosmetic companies spend millions on marketing, using popular scare tactics to convince people to use their products. Based on recent scientific studies, currently recommended vitamin D levels are inadequate, even with the recent increase in recommendations. The average daily need for vitamin D is about 4,000 IUs, but the current recommendation is still only in the 400 IU range from birth to age 50. Recent studies show that more than half the population has inadequate levels of vitamin D and some of these studies were done in the sunny states of Florida and Arizona! In addition to calcium regulation and prevention of cancer, vitamin D specifically helps reduce pain caused by various types of muscle and bone problems. The sun also plays an important role in immunity, especially in children. And, the sun is good for the brain getting natural sunlight helps the brain work better. No, not staring into the sun, but allowing the eyes to be exposed to natural outdoor light (contact lenses, eyeglasses, sunglasses and windows block the helpful sun rays). Children and the Sun Coralee Thompson, M.D., says 
“many children, especially those with brain problems, are deprived of vitamin D and some are outright deficient, which severely affects brain function.” 

We should love the sun because we can’t be healthy without it. Humans have been in sunny environments since the beginning. The sun offers a free source of vitamin D, and is the primary source of this important nutrient that has powerful effects in the body. Vitamin D allows us to more effectively use calcium, improves the immune system and helps prevents cancer and other diseases. Not until the past few decades has the incidence of skin cancer become such a problem. This period also corresponds with the devel- opment of sunscreen and other products that attempt to block the sun’s

Disabled children, for example, also have a very high incidence of osteoporosis due to calcium wasting secondary to low vitamin D levels. (The same scenario can occur in anyone at any age.) A common problem that’s not often discussed is the fact that bone loss later in life is significantly related to a lack of sun exposure and vitamin D levels during childhood. And, most of the damage that causes skin cancer in adults occurs during childhood.

“Kids need to be in the sun without sunscreen for short periods of time based on individual needs” 

says Dr. Thompson. “This may be 15 minutes building to 30 minutes a day for the average skin type, but never allow a child to get sunburned.” Most clothing allows some sun to get through for vitamin D production. Dr. Thompson cautions that, 

dietary supplements of vitamin D are not as effective because the oral dose is usually too low, and higher levels of vitamin D are potentially toxic.”

We should love the sun because we can’t be healthy without it. Humans have been in sunny environments since the beginning. The sun offers a free source of vitamin D, and is the primary source of this important nutrient that has powerful effects in the body. Vitamin D allows us to more effectively use calcium, improves the immune system and helps prevents cancer and other diseases. Not until the past few decades has the incidence of skin cancer become such a problem. This period also corresponds with the devel- opment of sunscreen and other products that attempt to block the sun’s

 Interestingly, high amounts of vitamin D obtained from the sun are not toxic.

Following are three important factors to consider when it comes to the sun: 

1- Use the Sun Wisely:

Everyone knows that spending the afternoon lying on the beach in the strong summer sun is not healthy (although people continue doing it). But we need sun exposure. Children need sun too, from an early age. But like adults, they should never stay in the sun long enough to burn. If you work in the midday summer sun you should cover yourself  a hat and light, long sleeves are usually sufficient, but some people may need more protection. Those who are sun-sensitive should avoid midday sun, and sometimes even late morning and mid-afternoon summer sun. Most people who are sun-sensitive already know it. In this case it’s important to take a natural vitamin D supplement as food sources of this nutrient are inadequate.

We should love the sun because we can’t be healthy without it. Humans have been in sunny environments since the beginning. The sun offers a free source of vitamin D, and is the primary source of this important nutrient that has powerful effects in the body. Vitamin D allows us to more effectively use calcium, improves the immune system and helps prevents cancer and other diseases. Not until the past few decades has the incidence of skin cancer become such a problem. This period also corresponds with the devel- opment of sunscreen and other products that attempt to block the sun’s

2- Eat Right:
The very best skin care products are nutrients found in the healthy foods we eat. Essential fats, antioxidants, vitamin A and other dietary nutrients offer the greatest skin care and the best protection from natural sun. Vegetables and fruits provide most of these nutrients, with fish oil, egg yolks and whey products offering other valuable factors.

 3-Don’t Eat Sunscreen:
Again, my recommendation has always been to not put anything on your skin you’re not willing to eat! That’s because sunscreen, along with so many things people put on their skin, gets absorbed into the body. A tan can protect skin from sun overexposure, as can a hat and light clothing, and avoiding midday sun during summer months. The sun is our primary source of vitamin D, and the only way to get it is by spending some quality time outdoors. Vitamin D not only helps us utilize calcium better but helps prevent disease, including skin cancer and many internal cancers.
We should love the sun because we can’t be healthy without it. Humans have been in sunny environments since the beginning. The sun offers a free source of vitamin D, and is the primary source of this important nutrient that has powerful effects in the body. Vitamin D allows us to more effectively use calcium, improves the immune system and helps prevents cancer and other diseases. Not until the past few decades has the incidence of skin cancer become such a problem. This period also corresponds with the devel- opment of sunscreen and other products that attempt to block the sun’s

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