What are the most mind-blowing facts about the human brain? - Human & Disease

What are the most mind-blowing facts about the human brain?

What are the most mind-blowing facts about the human brain?
Pain , Neurons , Processing , Headache , Hemisphere , Glucose , Memory

Human , Brain , Mind-Blowing , Facts
Human , Brain , Mind-Blowing , Facts



- The brain can repair or compensate for certain losses, and even generate new cells.

- From birth, the brain develops from back to front. As it begins to degenerate in our elder years, the opposite phenomenon occurs.

- A popular rumor says that we only use 10 percent of our brain. This is far from the truth. In fact, there is not a single part that does not have a specific function.

- The human brain is the only object on this planet that has the ability to contemplate itself: (Think about that one for a while).

- Headaches are thought to be caused by the tension and swelling of blood vessels of the brain.

- There are small anatomical differences between male and female brains.

- The two sides of the brain are intricately co-dependent. We often hear that one can be "right-brained" or "left-brained" - and that those who favour the right are more creative or artistic and those who favour the left are more technical and logical.

- Around 70 terabytes covering 900 years of history. A human brain can have a storage capacity of anywhere between 3 terabytes and 1,000 terabytes.

- Scientists say that people with higher IQ dream more. Does that mean that if a person cannot remember a dream, he or she is mentally lacking? Not really! Even for people with very high IQ, dreams are really difficult to recall because most people forget 50% of their dreams in first 5 minutes after waking and 90% of the dream within 10 minutes.

- Dreams are black and white for nearly 12% of people.

- Human brain is responsible for processing pain. So, if you cut your hand or you hurt yourself in some way or the other, you will feel pain. However, it brain itself is incapable of experiencing pain.
 Why? That’s because brain does not pain receptors. So, why does your head hurt? That’s because your brain is surrounded by loads of tissues, blood vessels and nerves that have a load pain receptors!

- There was a time when it was believed by the scientific community that neural tissues in brain are incapable of regenerations. That’s not true! Neurons in human brain keep growing throughout the lifespan of an individual. In other words, neurons keep regenerating.

- Nearly 20% of the entire oxygen that enters our body is consumed by brain. Thus, the brain takes maximum hit in case of oxygen deprivation.

-  The brain is not really a gray and firm mass. It is jelly-like, pink and squishy matter. This is because of the high water content of the brain.

- A human can have 70,000 thoughts a day. Of these 70,000, many thoughts are actually looping around. So, if you keep thinking that you are good for nothing, you may very well consume a high percentage of your daily thought quota and end up becoming a person that sucks!

- It has been scientifically proven that reading out loud helps in better development of brain among kids.

- There is never a drop in brainwave activity. Even when a person is sleeping, the brain works hard (in fact, it works harder when a person sleeps) to keep the heart, the digestive system, the immune system etc. functional.

- Brain never really captures memories in form of videos. What it really does is that it takes snapshots of important events.
 When you really try to recall a particular event, what the brain will actually do is guess a line of events that actually happened between two snapshots, thus creating a false memory.

-  Our brain is simply incapable of distinguishing between what we are imaging and what is really happening. That’s the reason why we almost shit our pants when we watch horror movies. Our brain fails to distinguish that it’s only a movie and that the events are not happening in real. We simply keep imaging the horrible and scary things.

- All blood vessels present in brain together cover an amazing 100,000 miles.

- Imagine the effects of war on soldiers. The same effect comes on children’s brain because of home violence.

- Every time a new memory is formed, a new brain connection is created.

- The number of cells in brain at birth is almost the same as number of cells in adulthood. However, these cells grow in size reaching their maximum size when a new born child reaches the age of six.

- The brain files and arranges all memories and everything you learned throughout the day when you sleep. So, never ignore your sleep.

- At any given point in time, the brain uses 20% of the total blood in body. Just 3 pounds in weight and this bastard needs 20% of the total blood. Our brain is really greedy!

- The brain waves of two musicians can synchronize when performing together.

- A “Brain freeze” is actually your brain recognizing a drop in temperature.

- Reading aloud uses different brain circuits than reading silent.

- Brain cells can only survive on oxygen and glucose.

- Human brain has the capacity to generate approximately 23 watts of power when awake.

- Adults brain still make new neurons.

-  The brain has more cell types than any other tissue in our body.

- Your brain is smaller than your ancestors’.

- Your brain activity is as unique as your fingerprints.

- Brain scans can “light up” when a person is in love.

- Exercise is just as good for your brain as it is for your body.

- Almost half of a child’s energy goes to fuel his brain.

- The brain itself can’t feel pain.

- In early pregnancy, the neurons develop at an alarming rate of 250,000 per minute.

-  The brain is not permanently arranged at birth.

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