What are the symptoms of prostate cancer in men? - Human & Disease

What are the symptoms of prostate cancer in men?

What are the symptoms of prostate cancer in men?

Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men. According to data from the National Prostate Cancer Registry, in which a total of 24 hospitals have participated since 2010 and more than 4,000 men, 25,000 new cases are diagnosed  in spain each year. It is such a common pathology that, when prostate tissue obtained after surgery or at autopsy is examined, tumors are found in 50 percent of men over 70 years of age and in practically all those over 90 years of age.

Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men. According to data from the National Prostate Cancer Registry, in which a total of 24 hospitals have participated since 2010 and more than 4,000 men, 25,000 new cases are diagnosed  in spain each year. It is such a common pathology that, when prostate tissue obtained after surgery or at autopsy is examined, tumors are found in 50 percent of men over 70 years of age and in practically all those over 90 years of age.  Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men. According to data from the National Prostate Cancer Registry, in which a total of 24 hospitals have participated since 2010 and more than 4,000 men, 25,000 new cases are diagnosed in our country each year. It is such a common pathology that, when prostate tissue obtained after surgery or at autopsy is examined, tumors are found in 50 percent of men over 70 years of age and in practically all those over 90 years of age.         Some of them are not even aware of the disease since, especially in the initial phases, prostate cancer can be asymptomatic or present mild symptoms that can be confused with those of other pathologies such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or urinary tract infection.  Each year, this type of cancer costs the lives of some 5,500 men in Spain, which makes it the oncological disease with the highest mortality rate, only after lung cancer, according to data from the Genitourinary Tumors Group Oncology Medical of the Hospital.  Early detection of the tumor is key to improving the prognosis.   According to the Registry, the overall survival of treated patients exceeds 90 percent three years after diagnosis.  Is The male prostate cancer curable ?   "Fortunately, 90 percent of patients are diagnosed in the localized stage (when the tumor is limited to the prostate)",   In this phase "the patient can be cured with surgery, with local therapy or with external radiotherapy," says the expert.

Some of them are not even aware of the disease since, especially in the initial phases, prostate cancer can be asymptomatic or present mild symptoms that can be confused with those of other pathologies such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or urinary tract infection.

Each year, this type of cancer costs the lives of some 5,500 men in Spain, which makes it the oncological disease with the highest mortality rate, only after lung cancer, according to data from the Genitourinary Tumors Group Oncology Medical of the Hospital.

Early detection of the tumor is key to improving the prognosis.

Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men. According to data from the National Prostate Cancer Registry, in which a total of 24 hospitals have participated since 2010 and more than 4,000 men, 25,000 new cases are diagnosed  in spain each year. It is such a common pathology that, when prostate tissue obtained after surgery or at autopsy is examined, tumors are found in 50 percent of men over 70 years of age and in practically all those over 90 years of age.  Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men. According to data from the National Prostate Cancer Registry, in which a total of 24 hospitals have participated since 2010 and more than 4,000 men, 25,000 new cases are diagnosed in our country each year. It is such a common pathology that, when prostate tissue obtained after surgery or at autopsy is examined, tumors are found in 50 percent of men over 70 years of age and in practically all those over 90 years of age.         Some of them are not even aware of the disease since, especially in the initial phases, prostate cancer can be asymptomatic or present mild symptoms that can be confused with those of other pathologies such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or urinary tract infection.  Each year, this type of cancer costs the lives of some 5,500 men in Spain, which makes it the oncological disease with the highest mortality rate, only after lung cancer, according to data from the Genitourinary Tumors Group Oncology Medical of the Hospital.  Early detection of the tumor is key to improving the prognosis.   According to the Registry, the overall survival of treated patients exceeds 90 percent three years after diagnosis.  Is The male prostate cancer curable ?   "Fortunately, 90 percent of patients are diagnosed in the localized stage (when the tumor is limited to the prostate)",   In this phase "the patient can be cured with surgery, with local therapy or with external radiotherapy," says the expert.

According to the Registry, the overall survival of treated patients exceeds 90 percent three years after diagnosis.

Is The male prostate cancer curable ? 

"Fortunately, 90 percent of patients are diagnosed in the localized stage (when the tumor is limited to the prostate)",

In this phase "the patient can be cured with surgery, with local therapy or with external radiotherapy," says the expert.

The awareness campaigns take into account the remaining 10 percent, which corresponds to patients who are diagnosed with prostate cancer in an advanced stage (4 percent of them, with metastases). In statements to Diario Médico, Cózar has emphasized the importance of making the male population aware of the need to go to the primary care doctor to refer him to a specialist when prostate symptoms appear.

"The problem is that men are sometimes vain and hide prostate symptoms, which are associated with advanced age,"

Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men. According to data from the National Prostate Cancer Registry, in which a total of 24 hospitals have participated since 2010 and more than 4,000 men, 25,000 new cases are diagnosed  in spain each year. It is such a common pathology that, when prostate tissue obtained after surgery or at autopsy is examined, tumors are found in 50 percent of men over 70 years of age and in practically all those over 90 years of age.  Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men. According to data from the National Prostate Cancer Registry, in which a total of 24 hospitals have participated since 2010 and more than 4,000 men, 25,000 new cases are diagnosed in our country each year. It is such a common pathology that, when prostate tissue obtained after surgery or at autopsy is examined, tumors are found in 50 percent of men over 70 years of age and in practically all those over 90 years of age.         Some of them are not even aware of the disease since, especially in the initial phases, prostate cancer can be asymptomatic or present mild symptoms that can be confused with those of other pathologies such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or urinary tract infection.  Each year, this type of cancer costs the lives of some 5,500 men in Spain, which makes it the oncological disease with the highest mortality rate, only after lung cancer, according to data from the Genitourinary Tumors Group Oncology Medical of the Hospital.  Early detection of the tumor is key to improving the prognosis.   According to the Registry, the overall survival of treated patients exceeds 90 percent three years after diagnosis.  Is The male prostate cancer curable ?   "Fortunately, 90 percent of patients are diagnosed in the localized stage (when the tumor is limited to the prostate)",   In this phase "the patient can be cured with surgery, with local therapy or with external radiotherapy," says the expert.

The frequent age of diagnosis occurs around 60-70 years, and only in 17 percent of cases the patient is less than 60 years old.

Another obstacle to early diagnosis of the disease can be the difficulty in recognizing the symptoms. 

The warning signs of prostate cancer : 

1- Sensation of irritation and burning when urinating.

2- Poly-Uria : Increased number of micturitions during the day, which are usually of small quantity.

3- Need to get up at night several times to urinate.

4- Little force of the stream of urine.

5- Frequent urinary tract infections.

6- Bladder lithiasis: Propensity to the formation or presence of stones in the gallbladder.

7- Post micturition drip.

8- Hematuria or presence of blood in the urine.

Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men. According to data from the National Prostate Cancer Registry, in which a total of 24 hospitals have participated since 2010 and more than 4,000 men, 25,000 new cases are diagnosed  in spain each year. It is such a common pathology that, when prostate tissue obtained after surgery or at autopsy is examined, tumors are found in 50 percent of men over 70 years of age and in practically all those over 90 years of age.  Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men. According to data from the National Prostate Cancer Registry, in which a total of 24 hospitals have participated since 2010 and more than 4,000 men, 25,000 new cases are diagnosed in our country each year. It is such a common pathology that, when prostate tissue obtained after surgery or at autopsy is examined, tumors are found in 50 percent of men over 70 years of age and in practically all those over 90 years of age.         Some of them are not even aware of the disease since, especially in the initial phases, prostate cancer can be asymptomatic or present mild symptoms that can be confused with those of other pathologies such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or urinary tract infection.  Each year, this type of cancer costs the lives of some 5,500 men in Spain, which makes it the oncological disease with the highest mortality rate, only after lung cancer, according to data from the Genitourinary Tumors Group Oncology Medical of the Hospital.  Early detection of the tumor is key to improving the prognosis.   According to the Registry, the overall survival of treated patients exceeds 90 percent three years after diagnosis.  Is The male prostate cancer curable ?   "Fortunately, 90 percent of patients are diagnosed in the localized stage (when the tumor is limited to the prostate)",   In this phase "the patient can be cured with surgery, with local therapy or with external radiotherapy," says the expert.

Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer In Men

This symptom usually manifests itself when the tumors are locally advanced.

In an advanced stage of the disease, when the tumor has spread outside the prostate, other symptoms such as edema or swelling, weakness or even loss of strength in the legs, bone pain, kidney failure, loss of appetite and weight are common. or anemia.

“The current risk of suffering from prostate cancer is 20-25 percent, which means that one in four or five of men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer throughout his life”

For this reason, specialists recommend consulting a doctor if any of the symptoms are detected. It is important that people with a higher probability of contracting the disease undergo frequent medical check-ups, especially those men with a history of prostate cancer in their direct family. As doctors explain : 

Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men. According to data from the National Prostate Cancer Registry, in which a total of 24 hospitals have participated since 2010 and more than 4,000 men, 25,000 new cases are diagnosed  in spain each year. It is such a common pathology that, when prostate tissue obtained after surgery or at autopsy is examined, tumors are found in 50 percent of men over 70 years of age and in practically all those over 90 years of age.  Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men. According to data from the National Prostate Cancer Registry, in which a total of 24 hospitals have participated since 2010 and more than 4,000 men, 25,000 new cases are diagnosed in our country each year. It is such a common pathology that, when prostate tissue obtained after surgery or at autopsy is examined, tumors are found in 50 percent of men over 70 years of age and in practically all those over 90 years of age.         Some of them are not even aware of the disease since, especially in the initial phases, prostate cancer can be asymptomatic or present mild symptoms that can be confused with those of other pathologies such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or urinary tract infection.  Each year, this type of cancer costs the lives of some 5,500 men in Spain, which makes it the oncological disease with the highest mortality rate, only after lung cancer, according to data from the Genitourinary Tumors Group Oncology Medical of the Hospital.  Early detection of the tumor is key to improving the prognosis.   According to the Registry, the overall survival of treated patients exceeds 90 percent three years after diagnosis.  Is The male prostate cancer curable ?   "Fortunately, 90 percent of patients are diagnosed in the localized stage (when the tumor is limited to the prostate)",   In this phase "the patient can be cured with surgery, with local therapy or with external radiotherapy," says the expert.

"a closer surveillance is carried out on patients' siblings or children from the age of 45", despite the fact that "nine out of ten cases appear in people over 65 years of age".

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