Lose Weight in 15 Days - Human & Disease

Lose Weight in 15 Days

 Perhaps we are saturated with many diets on the Internet, there are all kinds of them, some increase the amount of protein, others lower carbohydrates, others follow sugars or fats, however, none forces you to lose weight. with health.

What you need is a complete and balanced diet, like the egg diet that we present to you today. A healthy and healthy diet will help you lose the weight you want.

The egg diet is an ideal way to lose weight in a short period of time, it is suitable for muscle development and to increase the energy and vitality of the body.

What you need is a complete and balanced diet, like the egg diet that we present to you today. A healthy and healthy diet will help you lose the weight you want.  The egg diet is an ideal way to lose weight in a short period of time, it is suitable for muscle development and to increase the energy and vitality of the body.  gEggs are a very beneficial food and are present in most people's homes and in their favorite foods. Eggs provide great benefits and are an accessible product for most people.
Egg , Diet , Weight , Loss , Protein , Healthy

Eggs are a very beneficial food and are present in most people's homes and in their favorite foods. Eggs provide great benefits and are an accessible product for most people.

These are clear and brittle, the whites are rich in protein, vitamin E, iron, minerals, iodine and selenium. It only gives us 17 calories while the egg yolk gives us 60.


This diet consists of a meal plan based on eggs as the main ingredient or connector. This diet can be incorporated into your normal diet routine every three days so that nothing becomes overwhelming and can be done properly.

These are some characteristics of this diet to take into account:

• Eggs must be cooked so that the protein can be absorbed by the body.

 • The diet is due from a week.

• If you practice sports or are pregnant, it is not recommended to follow it strictly every day.

• They introduce more foods to healthy dietary supplements.

• A short period of weight loss is recommended.

• It is suitable for athletes who want to increase their muscle mass.

• You can lose three kilos a week.

• It satisfies the appetite and allows you not to worry about certain types of food.

Eggs are beneficial because they help regulate cholesterol, are rich in protein and stimulate greater energy expenditure because they speed up metabolism.

What you need is a complete and balanced diet, like the egg diet that we present to you today. A healthy and healthy diet will help you lose the weight you want.  The egg diet is an ideal way to lose weight in a short period of time, it is suitable for muscle development and to increase the energy and vitality of the body.  gEggs are a very beneficial food and are present in most people's homes and in their favorite foods. Eggs provide great benefits and are an accessible product for most people.
Boiled , Egg , Cholesterol , Metabolism , Loss

Allowed for breakfast

  1. 2 boiled eggs and a seasonal fruit.
  2. Coffee with skimmed milk and two hard-boiled eggs.
  3. A slice of whole wheat bread with a pour over, a piece of turkey and a hard boiled egg.

Foods allowed

  • Salad and chicken.
  • 2 boiled eggs and steamed vegetables.
  • Steamed vegetables, goat cheese and two hard-boiled eggs.
  • A salad of canned sardines or canned tuna without oil and two hard-boiled eggs.
  • Steamed vegetables and chicken breast.
  • A large bowl of salad.
  • Chicken and boiled egg salad.
  • Grilled fish and salad.

Dinner allowed

  • A fruit, salad and two boiled eggs.
  • Salad and grilled fish.
  • Salad and chicken.
  • Salad and two boiled eggs.
  • Steamed vegetables and chicken.
  • Vegetable salad, an orange and two boiled eggs.
  • Boiled vegetables and boiled egg.
  • Grilled fish and salad.

This diet is low in carbohydrates, you can only eat a little bread for breakfast, so weight loss is guaranteed.

What you need is a complete and balanced diet, like the egg diet that we present to you today. A healthy and healthy diet will help you lose the weight you want.  The egg diet is an ideal way to lose weight in a short period of time, it is suitable for muscle development and to increase the energy and vitality of the body.  gEggs are a very beneficial food and are present in most people's homes and in their favorite foods. Eggs provide great benefits and are an accessible product for most people.
Dinner , Fruit , Salade , Chicken , Fish , Bread

We should not stop introducing foods such as:

  1. extra virgin olive oil.
  2. the nut
  3. seed.
  4. Food rich in Omega 3.
  5. fruits.
  6. Vegetables.
  7. Proteins of animal or vegetable origin.
  8. eggs.

Instead, we must avoid the following foods so that the diet does not decline.

  1. Do not drink alcoholic beverages.
  2. Fried food.
  3. Carbohydrate abuse.
  4. Soda.
  5. sugars.
  6. cakes.
  7. sweet.
  8. Cookies.
  9. Fast or junk food.
  10. Cook with plenty of salt.
  11. Prepared and frozen foods.

The diet should also be accompanied by moderate physical exercise so that weight loss is progressive and the body is in good shape, it will also help to develop more muscles and be healthy and strong.

• Adults ( 18 - 64 ) Yrs.

To stay healthy, adults ages 18 to 64 should try to be active every day and do the following:

  • At least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, such as bicycling or brisk walking, per week, and
  • Strengthening exercises two or more days a week that work all the major muscles (legs, glutes, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms).


  • 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, such as running or a singles tennis match per week, and
  • Strengthening exercises two or more days a week that work all the major muscles (legs, glutes, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms).


  • A combination of moderate and vigorous aerobic activity each week. For example, running twice for 30 minutes plus brisk walking for 30 minutes equals 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, and
  • Strengthening exercises two or more days a week that work all the major muscles (legs, glutes, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms).

What you need is a complete and balanced diet, like the egg diet that we present to you today. A healthy and healthy diet will help you lose the weight you want.  The egg diet is an ideal way to lose weight in a short period of time, it is suitable for muscle development and to increase the energy and vitality of the body.  gEggs are a very beneficial food and are present in most people's homes and in their favorite foods. Eggs provide great benefits and are an accessible product for most people.
Strength , Exercises , Shoulder , Arm , Abdominal

• Adults (65) Yrs. Or Over:

Adults age 65 and older who are generally fit and do not have medical conditions that limit their mobility should try to stay active every day and do the following:

  • At least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, such as bicycling or walking, per week, and
  • Strengthening exercises two or more days a week that work all the major muscles (legs, glutes, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms).


  • 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, such as running or a singles tennis match per week, and
  • Strengthening exercises two or more days a week that work all the major muscles (legs, glutes, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms).


  • A combination of moderate and vigorous aerobic activity each week. For example, running twice for 30 minutes plus 30 minutes of brisk walking equals 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, and
  • Strengthening exercises two or more days a week that work all the major muscles (legs, glutes, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms).


What are aerobic exercises?

This type of exercise helps your body use insulin better. It also helps increase the strength of your heart and bones, while improving blood circulation and lowering blood glucose levels and blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease, and improving cholesterol levels.

What you need is a complete and balanced diet, like the egg diet that we present to you today. A healthy and healthy diet will help you lose the weight you want.  The egg diet is an ideal way to lose weight in a short period of time, it is suitable for muscle development and to increase the energy and vitality of the body.  gEggs are a very beneficial food and are present in most people's homes and in their favorite foods. Eggs provide great benefits and are an accessible product for most people.
Aerobic , Exercises , Walking , Insulin , Blood , Heart 

Examples Of Aerobic Activities : 

  • Brisk walking (outdoors or on a treadmill).
  • Cycling (outdoor or stationary cycling).
  • Dance.
  • Aerobics.
  • Climb the stairs.
  • Yogging run.
  • Moderate to heavy gardening.

What are strength training?

This type of exercise can also make your body more sensitive to insulin and lower blood glucose. It helps you maintain strong muscles and bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. The more muscle you have in your body, the more calories you will burn, even if your body is not doing any activity. Preventing muscle loss through strength training is key to maintaining an independent lifestyle as you age.

Examples of Strength Activities :

  • Weight machines or free weights.
  • Resistance band.
  • Lifting heavy weights or lifting objects, such as canned goods or water bottles.
  • Exercises that use your body weight to build muscle, e.g. Push-ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges, planks.
  • Other activities that build and maintain muscle, for example. heavy gardening.


Here are some simple strategies that can help you be more active in your daily life:

  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Get up from your desk and take a brisk walk every hour.
  • Get up and stretch at your desk.
  • If you go out to eat, use it as an excuse to walk.
  • If you go by train or bus, get off one stop earlier.
  • Try some chair exercises while you're at your desk.
  • Take the dog for a walk and if you walk fast, walk a long time.
  • Play with the kids, play soccer or throw a frisbee.
  • Grab things from cars or up stairs in two or three pushes instead of one.
  • Do your housework/gardening yourself.
  • Walk around the house or up and down stairs while talking on the phone.
  • Park as far away from stores as possible.
  • Walk through each parallel row in the supermarket.

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