Prostate Health Tips - Human & Disease

Prostate Health Tips



If the amount of vitamin D in the body is less than 60 ng/ml, vitamin D deficiency. The lack of this vitamin affects the production of the male hormone testosterone. And with a decrease in testosterone, the prostate suffers. Vitamin D can be obtained regularly for at least 3 days. in the sun for a week without sunscreen. It is also possible to take vitamin D3 supplements if it is not possible to get enough sunlight.
Prostate , Improving , Health 

1. Sleep well.

Sleep is essential for the health of the reproductive organs and the production of sex hormones. Sleeping less than recommended decreases testosterone and increases stress hormones in the body of men. Poor sleep habits can cause changes in blood sugar levels, which are linked to prostate enlargement.

2. Consume more antioxidants.

Phytochemicals are antioxidants created by nature that have a detoxifying effect on the body. And removing toxins is essential for prostate health. It is recommended to drink drinks rich in antioxidants, such as hibiscus, green, ginger tea.They guarantee an extra dose of antioxidants every day.

3. Ensure vitamin D levels

If the amount of vitamin D in the body is less than 60 ng/ml, vitamin D deficiency. The lack of this vitamin affects the production of the male hormone testosterone. And with a decrease in testosterone, the prostate suffers. Vitamin D can be obtained regularly for at least 3 days. in the sun for a week without sunscreen. It is also possible to take vitamin D3 supplements if it is not possible to get enough sunlight.

If the amount of vitamin D in the body is less than 60 ng/ml, vitamin D deficiency. The lack of this vitamin affects the production of the male hormone testosterone. And with a decrease in testosterone, the prostate suffers. Vitamin D can be obtained regularly for at least 3 days. in the sun for a week without sunscreen. It is also possible to take vitamin D3 supplements if it is not possible to get enough sunlight.
Vit. D , Bone , Oil , Supplement , Testosterone

4. Use only natural cleaning products.

It doesn't matter if the products are intended for personal hygiene or for cleaning the house, only products with a natural composition should be used. Household chemicals are very harmful to health.

In-particular, xenoestrogens, which are found in plastics, many deodorants, shampoos and household cleaners, should be avoided.


5. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet.

A diet based on pure proteins, unsaturated fats and products with antioxidant properties protects the body from inflammation. High-quality fats and unsaturated fatty acids found in avocados, olives, olive oil, fish and coconut oil are essential for testosterone production and a healthy prostate. You can also use a little butter from the milk of organically raised cows.

6. Accelerate intestinal peristalsis.

One of the natural ways to eliminate toxins from the body faster is rapid intestinal peristalsis. A plant-based diet rich in fiber not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also helps to remove food residues from the intestines faster. Intestinal permeability is promoted by chia seeds, fermented foods, foods containing probiotics, animal bone broths.

7. To fast.

Fasting is one of the best and easiest ways to increase testosterone levels, reduce systemic inflammation and inhibit cancer formation. Depending on how you eat during the 8 hours of the day: from 11 am to 7 pm, there should be at least 4 pm between dinner and breakfast. A break this is the easiest way to increase the time intervals between meals.

8. Move more.

Sedentary work and low physical activity reduce testosterone levels and can even lead to prostate inflammation. Simple exercises should be done throughout the day: walking, cycling slowly or playing active games. Regular physical activity suppresses inflammatory processes and improves prostate health.

If the amount of vitamin D in the body is less than 60 ng/ml, vitamin D deficiency. The lack of this vitamin affects the production of the male hormone testosterone. And with a decrease in testosterone, the prostate suffers. Vitamin D can be obtained regularly for at least 3 days. in the sun for a week without sunscreen. It is also possible to take vitamin D3 supplements if it is not possible to get enough sunlight.
Walking , Inflammatory , Physical , Level

9. Practice deep breathing.

One of the most popular and simple stress management practices is deep breathing exercises. Breathing exercises have been found to calm the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the so-called "fight or flight" instincts, and help to relax. This relaxation practice reduces the level of harmful stress hormones while inhibiting the formation of cancer cells.

10. Ensure the amount of selenium, zinc
and magnesium in the body.

These microelements strengthen immunity and help the body fight toxins. Zinc and magnesium also stimulate testosterone production. The so-called super substances help to remove xenoestrogens from the body. Zinc and magnesium are found in pumpkin seeds. Green smoothies, special green powders and healthy organic meat products help ensure a sufficient amount of micronutrients.

11. Take high-quality omega3 supplements:

Have been shown to help suppress prostate inflammation and stimulate testosterone production. Studies have shown that high levels of omega3 are effective in reducing prostate enlargement. And additional consumption of 200-500 gamma linolenic acid prevents inflammation.

12. Use other beneficial substances.

Including many natural substances in your daily diet can help prevent prostate problems. They can be obtained not only with food, but also with the use of high-quality food supplements. It is recommended to take additional vitamins K2, probiotics and anti-inflammatory plant compounds such as resveratrol, pterostilbene found in blueberries and green tea. These compounds help boost immunity and act as antioxidants.

13. Watch your diet

In order to preserve men's health, you should eat moderately or completely avoid fatty (bacon, fatty meat, sour cream, butter, sausage), spicy (flavored with mustard, pepper, horseradish) food.
It is also not advisable to abuse coffee, beer and strong alcoholic drinks, because when the body reacts to them, more blood enters the prostate and it enlarges.

Rather, consume more foods that protect the prostate: drink green tea, eat soy products, grapes, cabbage vegetables and fish.
Especially useful for men are tomatoes, watermelons and grapefruits, where the provitamin lycopene can be found.
It not only prevents the prostate from increasing, but also protects the body's cells from the harmful effects of the environment.

14. Do not avoid herbal teas

Research has established the positive effects of many plants on men's health.
For the prevention of prostatitis, you can use saw palmetto extract, which has been used for twelve centuries as a very effective means of improving prostate function.
Today, the good properties of nettle, which our parents and grandparents knew very well, are often forgotten.

Nettle stem extract and leaf teas also have a positive effect on the prostate, stimulating the release and outflow of urine.
In addition, nettles also contain many antioxidants that protect against the harmful effects of the environment.

For the prevention of prostatitis, I would suggest men to drink tea made from nettle leaves, St. John's wort, calendula flowers and heather once a day in the evening.

If the amount of vitamin D in the body is less than 60 ng/ml, vitamin D deficiency. The lack of this vitamin affects the production of the male hormone testosterone. And with a decrease in testosterone, the prostate suffers. Vitamin D can be obtained regularly for at least 3 days. in the sun for a week without sunscreen. It is also possible to take vitamin D3 supplements if it is not possible to get enough sunlight.
Herbal , Tea , Antioxidant , Extract

15. Water

Family doctor Vilma Gavelienė also advises not to forget to drink water.
If a person weighs 60 kilograms, he should drink almost 2 liters of water every day.
Drinking water not only cleanses the entire body of toxins, but also prevents urine retention, which could enter the prostate glands.

This reduces the probability that bacteria that can cause inflammation of the prostate will enter the prostate together with urine", said Vilma Gavelienė about the importance of water for men's health.

16. Get moving

One of the biggest problems of the modern man is low physical activity.
If you spend all day sitting at work, the blood flow to your pelvic organs will eventually be impaired.
Then there are favorable conditions for prostatitis to breed.

Try to walk more, don't drive short distances by car, take a walk after sitting in one place for a long time.
According to her, you should also take the time to do pelvic floor exercises.
They can easily be done at home.

For example, while standing, raise your knees as high as you can toward your stomach, or while lying straight, bend your knees in half and raise your pelvis.

17. Beware of cold

According to doctor V. Gavelienė, men should especially beware of the cold.
Getting cold or freezing can lead to the development of prostatitis, so choose a longer coat or jacket in the cold season.
Pack warm clothes while fixing your car in the garage or enjoying ice fishing.

"Healthy" bathing in cold water or splashing in cold water after heating up in the sauna also harms the prostate.


18. Love for health

Prostate inflammation can also be caused by bacteria and fungi spread during unsafe sex.

Long abstinence is also not good.
The symptoms of prostatitis are reduced by hot baths and regular sexual intercourse, during which the drainage of the prostate improves and the chance of infection decreases, says doctor V. Gavelienė.
In order to keep the prostate healthy, it is advised to have a regular sex life with a regular partner.

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