ABSCESSES AND FISTULAS    Risk Factors:   ¤ Recent abdominal surgery  ¤ Penetrating or blunt abdominal trauma  ¤ Perforation of appendix or colonic diverticulum  ¤ Perforation associated with intra-abdominal malignancy  ¤ Crohn disease  ¤ Chronic diseases, cirrhosis, renal failure  ¤ Drugs: corticosteroids & chemotherapy  ¤ Prior radiotherapy.   History   ¤ High spiking fevers with chills  ¤ Abdominal pain  ¤ Nausea & vomiting  ¤ Hiccups  ¤ Chest pain  ¤ Dyspnea  ¤ Shoulder pain.   Signs & Symptoms   ¤ Tachycardia  ¤ Abdominal tenderness  ¤ Ileus  ¤ Pleural effusion  ¤ Basilar rales.   Tests

Risk Factors:

¤ Recent abdominal surgery

¤ Penetrating or blunt abdominal trauma

¤ Perforation of appendix or colonic diverticulum

¤ Perforation associated with intra-abdominal malignancy

¤ Crohn disease

¤ Chronic diseases, cirrhosis, renal failure

¤ Drugs: corticosteroids & chemotherapy

¤ Prior radiotherapy.

ABSCESSES AND FISTULAS    Risk Factors:   ¤ Recent abdominal surgery  ¤ Penetrating or blunt abdominal trauma  ¤ Perforation of appendix or colonic diverticulum  ¤ Perforation associated with intra-abdominal malignancy  ¤ Crohn disease  ¤ Chronic diseases, cirrhosis, renal failure  ¤ Drugs: corticosteroids & chemotherapy  ¤ Prior radiotherapy.   History   ¤ High spiking fevers with chills  ¤ Abdominal pain  ¤ Nausea & vomiting  ¤ Hiccups  ¤ Chest pain  ¤ Dyspnea  ¤ Shoulder pain.   Signs & Symptoms   ¤ Tachycardia  ¤ Abdominal tenderness  ¤ Ileus  ¤ Pleural effusion  ¤ Basilar rales.   Tests

¤ High spiking fevers with chills

¤ Abdominal pain

¤ Nausea & vomiting

¤ Hiccups

¤ Chest pain

¤ Dyspnea

¤ Shoulder pain.

What are the symptoms of the abscess ? 

Signs & Symptoms
¤ Tachycardia

¤ Abdominal tenderness

¤ Ileus

¤ Pleural effusion

¤ Basilar rales.

Basic Blood Tests
¤ Leukocytosis with left shift

¤ Anemia

¤ Non-specific elevation of bilirubin & liver enzymes.

Specific Diagnostic Tests

¤ Positive blood cultures

¤ Positive cultures from aspiration of abscess

¤ Most common aerobes: E coli & Enterococcus

¤ Most common anaerobes: Bacteroides.

ABSCESSES AND FISTULAS    Risk Factors:   ¤ Recent abdominal surgery  ¤ Penetrating or blunt abdominal trauma  ¤ Perforation of appendix or colonic diverticulum  ¤ Perforation associated with intra-abdominal malignancy  ¤ Crohn disease  ¤ Chronic diseases, cirrhosis, renal failure  ¤ Drugs: corticosteroids & chemotherapy  ¤ Prior radiotherapy.   History   ¤ High spiking fevers with chills  ¤ Abdominal pain  ¤ Nausea & vomiting  ¤ Hiccups  ¤ Chest pain  ¤ Dyspnea  ¤ Shoulder pain.   Signs & Symptoms   ¤ Tachycardia  ¤ Abdominal tenderness  ¤ Ileus  ¤ Pleural effusion  ¤ Basilar rales.   Tests


¤ Plain abdominal & chest films: air-fluid levels in area of abscess , elevation of right diaphragm in subphrenic abscess.

¤ Gallium scan: useful for smaller abscess not well seen on imaging.

¤ CT: imaging modality of choice for identification of abscess; also allows aspiration for culture.

¤ US: less sensitive for abdominal abscesses.

¤ Charcoal or methylene blue: oral administration with detection in drainage from fistula.

ABSCESSES AND FISTULAS    Risk Factors:   ¤ Recent abdominal surgery  ¤ Penetrating or blunt abdominal trauma  ¤ Perforation of appendix or colonic diverticulum  ¤ Perforation associated with intra-abdominal malignancy  ¤ Crohn disease  ¤ Chronic diseases, cirrhosis, renal failure  ¤ Drugs: corticosteroids & chemotherapy  ¤ Prior radiotherapy.   History   ¤ High spiking fevers with chills  ¤ Abdominal pain  ¤ Nausea & vomiting  ¤ Hiccups  ¤ Chest pain  ¤ Dyspnea  ¤ Shoulder pain.   Signs & Symptoms   ¤ Tachycardia  ¤ Abdominal tenderness  ¤ Ileus  ¤ Pleural effusion  ¤ Basilar rales.   Tests

Differential diagnosis

¤ Necrotic tumors.

What is the treatment for an abscess ?


What to Do First

¤ Complete diagnostic studies, particularly imaging, for localization & aspiration.

General Measures

¤ Initiate general supportive care: fluid & electrolyte replacement, establish feeding 
(TPN if fistula present) oxygenation if needed.

¤ Swan-Ganz catheter, mechanical ventilation &/or vasopressors if unstable.

Specific therapy

¤ Adequate drainage of abscess either percutaneously or by surgery

¤ Surgery indicated if pt. fails to respond to percutaneous drainage in 1–2 days.

¤ Establish adequate drainage of enterocutaneous fistulas, eg, open recent surgical excision, use of percutaneous catheters

¤ Surgery for complex fistulas or failure to resolve w/ external drainage & TPN

¤ Antibiotics: broad spectrum initially, & then based on culture results.

ABSCESSES AND FISTULAS    Risk Factors:   ¤ Recent abdominal surgery  ¤ Penetrating or blunt abdominal trauma  ¤ Perforation of appendix or colonic diverticulum  ¤ Perforation associated with intra-abdominal malignancy  ¤ Crohn disease  ¤ Chronic diseases, cirrhosis, renal failure  ¤ Drugs: corticosteroids & chemotherapy  ¤ Prior radiotherapy.   History   ¤ High spiking fevers with chills  ¤ Abdominal pain  ¤ Nausea & vomiting  ¤ Hiccups  ¤ Chest pain  ¤ Dyspnea  ¤ Shoulder pain.   Signs & Symptoms   ¤ Tachycardia  ¤ Abdominal tenderness  ¤ Ileus  ¤ Pleural effusion  ¤ Basilar rales.   Tests

ABSCESSES AND FISTULAS    Risk Factors:   ¤ Recent abdominal surgery  ¤ Penetrating or blunt abdominal trauma  ¤ Perforation of appendix or colonic diverticulum  ¤ Perforation associated with intra-abdominal malignancy  ¤ Crohn disease  ¤ Chronic diseases, cirrhosis, renal failure  ¤ Drugs: corticosteroids & chemotherapy  ¤ Prior radiotherapy.   History   ¤ High spiking fevers with chills  ¤ Abdominal pain  ¤ Nausea & vomiting  ¤ Hiccups  ¤ Chest pain  ¤ Dyspnea  ¤ Shoulder pain.   Signs & Symptoms   ¤ Tachycardia  ¤ Abdominal tenderness  ¤ Ileus  ¤ Pleural effusion  ¤ Basilar rales.   Tests


¤ Frequent clinical evaluation early after drainage

¤ Serial imaging when treated with catheter drainage to confirm catheter without abscess & abscess closed.

Complications and Prognosis


¤ Multi-organ failure leading to death

¤ Recurrent abscess

¤ Fistula formation

¤ Bowel obstruction

¤ Pneumonia

¤ Pleural effusion.

Is an abscess a serious infection ? 


¤ Good with adequate drainage & response to antibiotic therapy.

ABSCESSES AND FISTULAS    Risk Factors:   ¤ Recent abdominal surgery  ¤ Penetrating or blunt abdominal trauma  ¤ Perforation of appendix or colonic diverticulum  ¤ Perforation associated with intra-abdominal malignancy  ¤ Crohn disease  ¤ Chronic diseases, cirrhosis, renal failure  ¤ Drugs: corticosteroids & chemotherapy  ¤ Prior radiotherapy.   History   ¤ High spiking fevers with chills  ¤ Abdominal pain  ¤ Nausea & vomiting  ¤ Hiccups  ¤ Chest pain  ¤ Dyspnea  ¤ Shoulder pain.   Signs & Symptoms   ¤ Tachycardia  ¤ Abdominal tenderness  ¤ Ileus  ¤ Pleural effusion  ¤ Basilar rales.   Tests

ABSCESSES AND FISTULAS    Risk Factors:   ¤ Recent abdominal surgery  ¤ Penetrating or blunt abdominal trauma  ¤ Perforation of appendix or colonic diverticulum  ¤ Perforation associated with intra-abdominal malignancy  ¤ Crohn disease  ¤ Chronic diseases, cirrhosis, renal failure  ¤ Drugs: corticosteroids & chemotherapy  ¤ Prior radiotherapy.   History   ¤ High spiking fevers with chills  ¤ Abdominal pain  ¤ Nausea & vomiting  ¤ Hiccups  ¤ Chest pain  ¤ Dyspnea  ¤ Shoulder pain.   Signs & Symptoms   ¤ Tachycardia  ¤ Abdominal tenderness  ¤ Ileus  ¤ Pleural effusion  ¤ Basilar rales.   Tests

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